Differences between Tabloid and Broadsheet
The initial difference between the group D 'The Sun' Tabloid and the group A 'The Daily Telegraph' Broadsheet is the size and layout of the paper. It is obvious that the two newspapers strive to meet to different audience expectations, traditionally a Tabloid features a larger main headline (possibly with ellipsis) with multiple visual images and a little amount of copy unlike the Broadsheet which contains a much smaller main headline, possibly a few other headlines, and a mass of copy. In addition to this, Tabloids are expected to focus on 'soft news' including sensationalist language and celebrity lives unlike Broadsheets which centre on 'hard news' covering economics and politics appealing to a different demographic group. As you read both front pages the Tabloid mode of address is informal and colloquial with dumbed down language to appeal to a larger audience, whereas the Broadsheet mode of address is formal and standard English engaging a totally different audience.
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